Our Vision
Innovative “Integrative” healthcare for homes, communities and institutions.
Our Mission
To demonstrate 21st century models for safe, effective, affordable and replicable healthcare services, aimed at wellness, prevention and disease management, through well-researched applications of Traditional Health Sciences judiciously integrated with modern sciences and disseminated through high quality education.
Our Values... HEED
Honesty, Excellence, Empathy, Dependability

Genesis & Horizon
The Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (I-AIM) was established in 2011. It is a part and parcel of the FRLHT trust founded by Sam Pitroda and Darshan Shankar. It is a high quality 100 bed, integrative healthcare hospital visualized by the founders as a ‘seed’, to be nurtured into a world class “Integrative Healthcare”, services, research, and education institute. It has a fraternal relationship with TransDisciplinary University (TDU) since both are creations of the FRLHT Trust. The research and Education staff of I-AIM are faculty of TDU.
The Institute, apart from its core hospital based services, is committed to design and implement self-sustaining, household and community outreach programs. I-AIM has plans to initiate PG and research programs at the masters, doctoral and postdoctoral levels in collaboration with TDU.
The I-AIM Healthcare Center was inaugurated on 17th March 2011 by Mr. Ratan Tata.
Track Record of FRLHT